Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
December, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
I has been a few years since our family sent out a Christmas letter, so I thought we were probably due. Things at our house are pretty much the same over the last few years except everyone is getting older and Jared and I are finding it hard to follow everyone to their events and still find time to spend with one another. Lately our children’s interest have become our new found interests, imagine that. Jared is still fishing quite a bit, so maybe my children’s events have become my new found interest and hobby. I am still teaching at Madison Middle School in Rexburg. I have taught seventh-graders for the past thirteen years, most would call me crazy, but I absolutely love every minute of it. Jared is still working for himself which has been a great blessing allowing us freedom to chase our five children around.
Jordon will turn 19 this summer. SCARY He will be graduating from Sugar Salem High school in May and then plans to leave on his Mission sometime in August. He has applied to several colleges just in case plans happen to change. His goal is to attend Boise State University and study Neuropsychology, the study of the structure and function of the brain related to specific psychological processes and needs, sounds like he has a lot of schooling ahead of him. He would like to follow in his father’s foot steps, but on the medical end of it not the counseling portion. Jordon is still enjoying basketball and track. Last year Jordon set a new high school triple jump record of 44’6 and was ranked number one in the state for triple and long jump all year until he went to State and then took 3rd in both events. He wasn’t that pleased to say the least, but we were still proud. Hopefully, this year he takes home the gold. In his free time you will usually find Jordon on the computer, studying for his AP classes, playing basketball at the college, or with his girl friend Molly Orme.
Jocelyn will turn 17 in February and ever since she turned 16 the boys have been at our door left and right. She has attended several dances and never with the same boy, I have been grateful for that. She has been part of a three year repeat state champion volleyball team. She plays middle hitter and hopes to play volleyball in college in a couple of years. She is also playing basketball, but she would be the first one to tell you she would give up basketball
any day to play volleyball year round. She is currently taking college classes in high school to get her C.N.A. degree. She will finish up her degree at the end of her Junior year. She hopes to work over the summer in a living center and make some well-needed money to support her clothing habits. Most of Jocelyn’s free time is spent playing sports, texting a lot, studying. and dating. She is currently dating a boy from Salmon named Mark Hobbs he is 6’7 and we really enjoy his company. After high school her plans so far include hopefully playing volleyball pursing the nursing field and then specializing like her Aunt Debbie in Radiology Tech.
Mason just turned 14 and lives, eats, and dreams baseball. Over the last several years he has participated on All-Star baseball teams usually playing second base and has loved every minute of it. Mason has decided to give up all his other sports just so he can concentrate on playing baseball. As a family we have loved every minute of not being in a gym and following Mason around all spring and summer seasons. Next spring Mason will try out for the high school team. Mason is currently in the eighth grade and that alone says a lot. Homework is starting to get more serious, friends and of course the never ending thought of a girl. Mason is a kid that is always in a great mood and if he is ever sad there is a real problem to address. Mason spends a lot of time playing with his little brother Braxton and is constantly trying to be like his brother Jordon. Mason also loves to watch animal shows or any documentary where he can learn new facts.
Bayli just got baptized last spring, she is currently eight years old and we feel blessed every day that we had the last two children to keep us young. Bayli loves to read and follows Jocelyn every where. She has also recently become one of Jared’s best fishing partners whether it be on the boat, on the river, or even ice fishing all day. Bayli enjoys playing with her Polly Pockets and singing privately in her bedroom. Bayli has spent so many hours watching her three older siblings play sports that she is determined not to participate in any. She is constantly telling us she wants to just be a plain student and not do all that stuff. The more Jared and I think about it that change might not be bad at all.
Braxton is currently seven years old and keeps us laughing on a daily basis. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are evidence that he is being raised with several teenagers coming in and out of our house. Braxton wouldn’t tell you he enjoys school but we know he does. He is an excellent reader and student. Braxton enjoys every rough and tumble sport you can think of. Over the last few years he has played baseball and flag football. He can’t wait until next year to also add basketball to his list. The sport that Braxton wants to participate most in is Boxing, imagine that. He is constantly asking Jared and I to sign him up for boxing classes. Braxton’s free time consists of wresting Jordon, Mason and not to Bayli’s liking but her on occasion. He also will be found where ever the older boys are.
From our family to yours we hope you have had a wonderful year and that things are going great for your families. We hope you and your family have a wonderful warm Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas,
The Ostermillers
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